June 30, 2004
Improving the Internet Topic Exchange
Here are Seb's ideas... what are yours?
(Read full article)
By jalefkowit //
June 28, 2004
Next Version of OS X Server to Include Blog Server
Personal publishing comes to OS X
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By jalefkowit //
June 17, 2004
Libertarianism, Communitarianism, and the Weblogs.com Diaspora
Thinking about giving
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By jalefkowit //
June 14, 2004
Doc on RSS and E-Mail
What can RSS teach us about how to fix e-mail?
(Read full article)
By jalefkowit //
June 10, 2004
E-mail's Not Dead, Eh?
Celebrity smackdown! E-mail vs. RSS
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By jalefkowit //
"TV's Exploding"
It already happened to print...
(Read full article)
By jalefkowit //
June 07, 2004
Notes from Planetwork 2004: Other Sessions
Here are the highlights of the other sessions I attended at Planetwork. (I could only stay for Saturday’s session, so...
(Read full article)
By jalefkowit //
June 06, 2004
Notes from Planetwork 2004: Online Organizing Panel
Some notes from the panel I participated in on Saturday
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By jalefkowit //
Get the Planetwork Scoop
I'm done with my presentation, and the reviews are coming in
(Read full article)
By jalefkowit //
If you think anything I write here represents the opinions of anybody but myself, you need more help than I can give you. The opinions are all mine, folks. Nobody else's. ESPECIALLY not my employer's.
If that's too hard to understand... well, I'm sorry. There's only so much I can do. I'm not a therapist, and I'm not a miracle worker. (Unless you consider staying employed in this economy a miracle.) I wish I could help you work through your delusional belief that I'm speaking for anyone else but myself. Honestly, I do. But in the end, that's a monkey you'll have to get off your back on your own. Sorry.